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Pangnirtung -- Nunavut Election 2017 candidate profiles -- updated

Pangnirtung will see Harry Dialla, Margaret Nakashuk and Hesakiah Oshutapik challenge incumbernt Johnny Mike at the polls Oct. 30. Oshutapik did not respond to survey requests.


Harry John Dialla

Harry John Dialla
Age: 58
Family status: A spouse and five children

Reason for running:

I think our community concerns are not being voiced at the legislative assembly:

Lack of public housing in the last seven or eight years. Dusty roads and the airstrip in the middle of town are becoming a health hazard. High food costs. Dump needs to be moved to where the smoke does not reach the community. Health care – we need a facility in Nunavut for dementia or Alzheimer’s patients, who are currently being sent to Ottawa. Education, we need a higher standard education system, an updated Education Act to reflect Inuktitut language and the preservation of the Inuktitut language. Caribou management. Health-care professional staff shortages. Continued Inuit employment. Housing rent income based on gross and not net income.





Johnny Mike
Age: 62
Family status: Married with four children

Johnny Mike

Reason for running:

Many of my loyal supporters have encouraged me to run again. My wife and my family are also great supporters.

On transportation issues: The last government did put Pangnirtung as first priority to get a new airstrip, and I will lobby for new funding for the new relocation of airstrip. I will find funding for a small craft harbour for improvements, such as a new cement ramp. The harbour got really shallow the last four years.

To look at having Nunavut boards for education and health, and more money for wellness programs and addiction treatment programs.

Work to make Inuit employment to a representative level in accordance to NLCA (Nunavut Agreement) Article 23.

Much better access to home ownership programs and lobby for money for public housing programs.



Margaret Nakashuk
Intern, regional director for Family Services, Qikiqtaaluk Region
Age: 45
Family status: Married, two children and one grandson

Margaret Nakashuk

Reason for running:

Reasons including, and not limited to, but providing vocal support to Pangnirtung residents. I'm committing myself to attending meetings with our local committees to ensure communication and support is present.

We need improved health care support in our community. Our community continues to grow, which means that we need more clinical support. Patients and escorts continue to face accommodation issues in Iqaluit. The long flight routes, through Clyde River, are stressful for elders and people with special medical conditions.

Government has not met a representative workforce as promised in Article 23 of our land claims agreement. We need to see an Inuit Employment Plan (EIP) that identifies supports and steps that will be followed so that Inuit get the employment in all job categories, including the executive levels. MLAs and ministers need to continue to increase Inuit employment in Pangnirtung as well as across Nunavut.

Education – Inuktut resources and materials need to be available to our children, especially at the elementary level. To achieve this, and provide support to our Inuit teachers.

Housing is another issue. We have teachers sharing apartments and there are about 13 empty government units and the waitlist is endless for Panniqtuumiut to get housing. Each community has housing associations and honestly there should be some support provided to associations, and to form a working group with government to access those empty units.

There's lots of work to be done and the services that are running do need improvements throughout, so I feel I can help with providing support for Panniqtuumiut and push for more support from government.